Oranienstr. 175
D-10999 Berlin
open: 24h
from January 2016:
Marlene Zoe Burz (artist)
Manuel Kirsch (artist)
Björn Streeck (artist)
November 2010 - December 2015:
Alexander Wagner (artist)
Benedikt Terwiel (artist)
2007 - October 2010:
Anne Neukamp (artist)
Renaud Regnery (artist)
2009 - 2010:
Kassandra Nakas (curator, art historian)
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Sox (formerly sox36) is a non-profit project for contemporary art. It is an alternative showroom in public space, a vitrine on Oranienstrasse in Kreuzberg. The window measures 225 cm in height, 300 cm in length and 60 cm in depth. This space is located on one of the liveliest shopping and night life streets in Berlin, facing a diverse 24 hour audience to each event or exhibition, that change every 6-7 weeks and are diverse in form and content.
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